Healthy Cuisine: A Wellness Guide for Diabetes

with Kelly Schmidt


This course will cover healthy and balanced eating as well as lifestyle factors to help take the stress out of living with diabetes. Cuisine at Home Magazine and Kelly Schmidt, the Diabetic Dietitian, will teach every diabetic how to live their best life. PRICE: $49


Course Overview

Whether you or a family member is struggling to control blood sugar, or have prediabetes, you’ll benefit from learning the ins and outs of living life with diabetes. Kelly Schmidt, the Diabetic Dietitian, will walk you through both food and lifestyle factors that have an effect on the daily life of a diabetic. Once you learn how to balance your blood sugar and begin to understand the routines that work for you, nothing will hold you back from living your best life!

We’ll cover:

  • Understanding blood sugars
  • Battling stress - both food and non-food related
  • Gut Health
  • Macronutrients and how they each affect your body
  • Meal prep techniques and tricks
  • Building skills and routines to maintain your health
  • How to lose weight the right way
  • Navigating social situations so you don't feel like you have to miss out
  • Cooking healthy and balanced meals and snacks
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Meet Your Instructor

Kelly Schmidt

Kelly is a Registered, Licensed Dietitian, published author, speaker, media guru, and owner of the holistic private practice Kelly Schmidt Wellness.

Known as the Diabetic Dietitian, Kelly is down to earth with proven success personally and with her clients. On Kelly’s journey, she did not initially seek out nutrition… it came to her. In 1991 she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and as a child, she learned the power of, “food is thy medicine.” She has an indistinguishable passion for no-nonsense nutrition. In 2012, Kelly opened her private practice where she helps hundreds of clients beyond their plate with counseling, touring grocery stores, wellness programs, speaking engagements and more.

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